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an animation you can use to make comments with USED TO http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/dynamo/history/stepback.shtml explanation and exercises at the bottom of the page http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/usedto/menu.php same thing here http://www.anglaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-anglais-2/exercice-anglais-17482.php...

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Click on the flag to open a webquest on Wales your task will be to present this region briefly by using the notes and information you have collected . You will have to present it orally for about a minute or so . many thanks to Annie Gwynn whose website...

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internet links

days http://rv.humbert.chez-alice.fr/ecoleprimaire/jmsprim0.htm numbers ( oral ) http://www.anglaisfacile.com/free/audio/s1.htm http://www.anglaisfacile.com/free/audio/s2.htm http://www.anglaisfacile.com/free/audio/s3.htm http://www.anglaisfacile.com/free/audio/archives/s4.htm...

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Dickens : A webquest

Dickens : A webquest

Find the webquest by clicking on the picture. you can also see an animated biography here http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/bleakhouse/animation.shtml test what you know here is a quiz on Dickens's life http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4399744.st...

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the past

the past

some basic exercises about the preterit / the simple past. beginner level Mister Dupeyron with the verb [ BE ] http://ww2.college-em.qc.ca/prof/epritchard/tobepasq.htm http://rv.humbert.chez-alice.fr/college/bepret1cloze.htm http://perso.numericable.fr/~olivierha/workandplay/QUIZ/Pr%E9t%E9rit/was-were.htm...

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The passive voice

The passive voice

Here are a few online exercises in order to pratice the passive voice for the tests. Enjoy. Mister Dupeyron ps ) first, take a look at this online video lesson about the passive. Oh...I forgot...by the way, it is in English so it is excellent practice...

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